"You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance."
Psalm 32:7
I think
distractions in prayer are often because we have let ourselves wander too far
from the things that matter most. And so we slip into an easily interrupted,
easily distracted frame of mind.
We need to live more at home!
“In him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
This means, simply,
God is our home.
Home of my heart, lest I
My redemption’s cost to Thee,
Let my earliest thought be set
Upon Thy Calvary.
Do you see what I mean? These words, which center my attention on what matters
most, speak of something that I cannot drop out of my day without great loss to
I know without question that an earnest “look” at Calvary does more to help our
life of prayer than we imagine:
"So shall the sayings
of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing continually before
Thee, 0 Lord my helper and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14, Septuagint)

I pray Thee hush the
hurrying eager longing
I pray Thee soothe the
pangs of keen desire.
See in my quiet places
wishes thronging,
Forbid them, Lord, purge,
though it be with fire.
And work in me to
will and do Thy pleasure.
Let all within me,
peaceful, reconciled,
Tarry content my
Wellbeloved's leisure,
At last, at last, even as
a weaned child.